Treatment Of Wound And Burns With St John’s Wort
Consult your doctor first, if you will use St. John's wort. If you have a serious condition, it is best to consult with a doctor for help. Some conditions might be warning signs of other illnesses that only a medical professional can accurately diagnose.
-Gently rub St. John's Wort oil or cream on the affected area and allow it to dry on its own. Repeat several times a day until the wound heals completely.
The natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of St. John's Wort oil help heal minor wounds and minor burns. It can even reduce associated itching or pain.
If possible, use homemade St John's Wort oil. For your treatment, 30-50 mL of St. John's wort oil will suffice.
Additional Tips
-Apply ice if there is bruising or swelling to reduce pain.
-Avoid smoking and drinking as it can delay healing.
-Eat healthy and drink ample amounts of water to promote healing.
-Keep the wound clean and exposed to the air at regular intervals.
-Do not pick at wounds as it can cause infection.
-If signs of infection develop, such as increased pain, pus or fever, have the wound examined by a doctor.
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